Be Your Own Boss!

Make Your Own Hours!

Start Your New Career Now!



  • Current inspectors looking to gain more knowledge and training
  • In a dead-end job, unemployed or underemployed looking to start a new career
  • Looking to supplement their current income
  • Seeking the entrepreneurial freedom of being in business for themselves

VIITA recognized that while textbook or other static training can be useful, it still falls short in two key areas: as a method of learning and as a tool for managing the site inspection.

When it comes to learning, most people would say, “show me and I understand.” The “show me” method is precisely the VIITA way.

What We Offer

Basic Commercial Lines Inspector Course

Through 15 highly visual, easy to digest, learn on your own time PowerPoint lesson plans, totaling 668 slides, with voice-over and over 1,000 photos (from actual reports) & illustrations, VIITA provides the basic working skills necessary to knowledgeably and confidently perform commercial property and liability insurance inspections.

VIITA Added: Quarterly “bonus” refresher and other modules, available to graduated students at no addiitonal charge and providing a more in-depth look at particular insurance coverages and wide-ranging loss control topics.

Basic Personal Lines Inspector Course

Through 6 highly visual, easy to digest, learn on your own time PowerPoint lesson plans, totaling 273 slides with voice-over and 381 photos (from actual reports) & illustrations, VIITA provides the basic working skills necessary to knowledgeably and confidently perform personal property and liability insurance inspections.

VIITA Added: Defensive Space Codes “bonus” module.

Basic Commercial Lines Inspector Course Preview

Basic Personal Lines Inspector Course Preview

 VIITA Certification to Success!


Celebrating our 13th year and nearly 8,000 enrollments!

Coming this Fall: Short-term Rentals (STR) 101 Bonus Module

Provided In this module will be an overview of the property and injury exposures associated with short-term rental (STR) properties e.g. Airbnb rentals, and what to investigate and report on in terms of loss control.





A Few Words from the President

What Our Students Are Saying About VIITA

There’s so much about the VIITA course that I enjoyed – the pace, the pictures, the explanations of classifications, even the quizzes! I don’t think I would have retained as much information sitting in a classroom. Being able to self-regulate the pace was paramount for my learning experience. In fact, the only thing I would improve on would be to add an optional audio component to the course. Everyone has different learning styles; personally, the more senses I engage, the better I learn. With the VIITA course there was great visual engagement. I took notes, drew pictures, performed math, so there was a good tactile element as well. Obviously you can’t introduce smell or taste into a virtual learning experience, but I think an optional narration would definitely be useful to some students. I have referred back to the refresher slides several times already and have printed out the handy, glossary of terms. Thank you for providing such a worthwhile technical course online – it’s definitely the best bang for the buck!

Rebecca Morrison